The Notez Muzic & Artz Education Workshop

Notez Family Photoz

Notez Mission
Notez Staff
Cam The Man
Notez I & II After School Program
Notez III
Young Writers Notez
Notez Kidz Online!
Notez Young Artist Showcase
Notez Family Photoz
Autism Resources
The Arts & Learning Disabilities
Support Notez
Notez Copyright/Disclaimer

The following are pics of some of our Notez family members...


In Loving Memory of Greg Houston
Aunt Julie & Uncle Greg (front)

The Notez Program is dedicated to the memory of Greg Houston aka Big Daddy, who set his life to music by encouraging and helping others to learn music.

Kim & Kelly Go To Nashville 1996
Kim Recording In The Commanche Sound Studio on Music Row/Nashville

Well, we did it!  We took off for Nashville and Kim recorded at Commanche Sound Studio. The song was an original and though it never hit the airwaves, all that matters is that we made the pilgrimage to Music City USA! Kim woke  up the morning she was to record with a sore throat. She sat down to that mic and after a quick prayer, she pulled all she had and nailed it!  You go girl!

Cory Evan on Drums 1988
Rock on lil' doggie!

Aston aka Beaner

Aston is 21 and a Junior (Deans List) at Capitol Univeristy taking Pre-Veterinary Medicine.  Aston is on the Notez Staff as an Advisor/Instructor for the development of Notez III. Beaner, as we lovingly call her, is Kim's daughter and has an amazing way with her pen. If you want to jam with Beaner, expect something along the lines of Rob ready to rock out!

Kriston aka Kritter

Kriston is 19 and a very talented Artist. Kriston was awarded a $20,000 scholarship to attend Columbus College of Art & Design. Kritter is also the Notez Youth Art Director/Instructor. Kritter is a very colorful and creative spirit.  She is not afraid at all to take her art into undiscovered  territory and loves sharing art with others, especially our young artists.

Make it happen with Muzic & Art!