Cameron is 14 years old and lives with Autism. Cam, as we call him,
enjoys movies, music, & art. He's into the sounds of Travis Meadows, Big and Rich, All American Rejects,
and knows most classic rock tunes. He's the master at building Bionacle Robots and Lego Sets, is obsessed
with swimming, and loves hanging out with Riley, his best bud. Cam loves his Harleydog, strawberry milk
and pizza, and is a very bright student.
Cameron was diagnosed at age 5, with Autistic Spectrum/PDD. At age 11 he
received a diagnosis of classic Autism. Cam is extremely sensitive to sound and has very
strong audio and visual memory. At age 2, he could memorize and mock the dialog to movies, TV, and music. He could not
however, begin to articulate his own thoughts into words until the age of 5. Cam is very animated and can act out scenes with
movement, accent, and dialog.
There was a time when he didn't speak at all and would not make eye contact.
Cam is in Special Ed and takes Speech and OT therapy weekly. Today, not only does he speak and make eye
contact, he is learning to read and write! Music and art serve as a bridge, to take him from
memorization to comprehension.
Together as his parents, with the help of his teachers and therapists;
we use music and arts activities to encourage growth and development; to relax him; and to encourage and bring forth
his exceptional abilities as well.