Aston aka Beaner |
Aston is 21 and a Junior (Deans List) at Capitol Univeristy taking Pre-Veterinary Medicine. Aston
is on the Notez Staff as an Advisor/Instructor for the development of Notez III. Beaner, as we lovingly call her, is
Kim's daughter and has an amazing way with her pen. If you want to jam with Beaner, expect something along the lines of Rob ready to rock out!
Kriston aka Kritter |
Kriston is 19 and a very talented Artist. Kriston was awarded a $20,000 scholarship to attend Columbus
College of Art & Design. Kritter is also the Notez Youth Art Director/Instructor. Kritter is a very colorful and creative
spirit. She is not afraid at all to take her art into undiscovered territory and loves sharing art with
others, especially our young artists.